A city like New York is always first to try the newest fad diet which is why Netflix chose our midtown Manhattan wallscape to introduce their latest – the Santa Clarita Diet. Okay, so maybe it’s not much of a “diet” but rather more of a zombie-filled comedy series starring Drew Barrymore, but we think it looks pretty great anyways!
Varick’s Big Debut!
Picked out your New Year’s party outfit? Yeah, neither have we, but Banana Republic’s New Year’s Eve inspired Hollywood wallscape sure does give us some inspiration.
Techies In Paradise
New York’s Meatpacking District is home to some of the city’s best nightlife, food, fashion, and art. Thanks to Samsung, it now has some of the city’s most innovative technology too! Helping to spread the good word on our Chelsea Market Feed, the Samsung 837 store is now open for techies to come and play.
Naked Juice
If it’s green it’s good for you, right? Well, the vinyl probably isn’t, but the juice sure is. Naked takes over one of our Washington D.C. storefronts to give consumers the power of protein. Drink up Washington
First Baby of the Year
It’s our first Pearl baby of the year (and the third for our EVP of Real Estate, Brian Cohen)! Hopefully baby Bryce doesn’t grow up to be half as weird as his father – but we’re happy to welcome him to the Pearl family either way. Congratulations Brian!
Random Pearl Quote of the Week: “Happy holiday, happy holiday. While the merry bells keep ringing, happy holidays to you." - Andy Williams CARRIE UNDERWOOD What better way to get into the holiday spirit than with some holiday tunes!...